Lizzy John
Exfoliation involves the removal of the oldest dead skin cells on the skin's outermost surface
This is a step most people skip in their weekly skincare routine. But trust me, if you start properly exfoliating your skin, you will notice an almost immediate difference. 

There are several ways to exfoliate skin: 

Scrubs (microdermabrasion)
Scrubs work by removing the top layer of dead skin cells that tend to dull your complexion. We find exfoliating skin once a week with a microdermabrasion kit keeps your skin glowing all year-round. Make sure you use a gentle scrub with tiny grains. Big grains in cheap scrubs can tear skin and cause more harm than good.

Chemical Peel
In the hour it takes to get a chemical peel, you can take off five years from your face. If you can't afford the price tag and the time for a monthly peel,then try some over-the-counter peels that work over the course of a month.

(such as Retin-A or the more moisturizing Renova) also work by removing the top layer of dead skin cells while also generating collagen in the skin. Collagen is the skin's structural fiber. As we get older,this collagen it breaks down, thereby creating lines and large pores. Retinoids are considered to be a miracle skin saver.